[Fr] Coup de gueule contre la Cité de la Musique + Concert de Zerkalo

Déçu, dégouté, dépité… Je m’en veux de ne pas avoir été assez attentif, mais surtout je reste complètement stupéfait de la communication de la Cité de la Musique de Paris. Il m’arrive souvent de découvrir (après coup) qu’un artiste génial est passé à deux pas de chez moi, sans avoir pu en être averti par l’organe officiel, les sites d’informations spécialisés (pourtant nombreux), ni mes différents abonnements par RSS, Twitter, mailing-lists et autres vagabondages quotidiens sur la toile. Ce n’est pas la première fois et je pense que ce ne sera malheureusement pas la dernière… Continue reading

[En] Quote of the day : Dopplereffekt


There is a division between the rich and the poor. And these technologies are usually controlled by the people that have the ressources to fund them. The technologies which become obsolete are no longer useful for this powerful group, and eventually trickle down to what we see today. A lot of outdated military technology is now in use with the common people, the general public. Take a radar, for example, which was invented in the Second World War. Now you can use the same technology in your vehicule to ward off police.

You can find new uses for any kind of technology.

People are still using nets to catch fish, people are still using knives in the kitchen. And those technologies have been around for thousands of years. They don’t become obsolete, they become refined over time.

Gerald Donald,
part of Dopplereffekt with Michaela To Nhan Le Thi,
interviewed in The Wire – October 2009