Salut à toutes et à tous ! Voici la Recap’ Poum Tchak! de 2011. Ici, pas de classements, de top10, de reader-polls, de winners avec des photos plus grosses que celles des autres, non rien que du pur subjectif à la BPTchk!, sans vote ni concertation pour trouver un consus stérile et informe sur le “bilan” de l’année écoulée. Juste du feeling sur ce qui est sorti en 2011 et que j’ai vraiment le plus écouté durant ces douze derniers mois. Continue reading
Tag Archives: break sl
[En] C-Beams live at Cookies (Sept. 2011 / Berlin)

2011 was a very good year for the C-Beams duet. As most of the Dresden boys involving into the trendy label (in the good way) Uncanny Valley (Jacob Korn, Cuthead, Credit 00, Stefan Lohse…) Stefan Menzel and Sebastian Lohse (aka Break SL) are now out of the woods with their appearance on Smallville records, and their first Ep on Uncanny Valley. The label has benefited of a big (and well-deserved) support from the German press and Resident Advisor which has done a strong report during the last summer, and gave them the opportunity to upload a mix made by… C-Beams.
Their live/dj sets (Sebastian plays records on the decks, and Stefan improvises melodies and stuff on his synths) reflect the magic of their own prods : warm, deep, mellow, romantic, sweet, and attractive sound.
I’ve filmed one of their set in September in Berlin, at Cookies club. 2 X 15min of cool, warm vibes with a lot of energy, light melodies and great live arrangements (specially on the Rob’ Hood track on the first video). Enjoy!
[U] Top 10 / Sept. 2010
[Fr] Uncanny Valley : un label à surveiller de près
Uncanny Valley est un nouveau label lancé par une bande de jeunes gangsters house et techno originaires de Dresde (Allemagne). Dans cette charmante équipée on retrouve deux des meilleurs espoirs du moment : Break SL (que l’on ne présente plus sur Boing Poum Tchak!) et Jacob Korn, auteur dernièrement d’un excellent maxi pour le label Dolly. Continue reading
[Fr] Party Poum Tchak! #03 avec Break SL
3, 2, 1, prêts ? Party ! Dimanche 31 mai (veille du lundi de Pentecôte, donc férié), Boing Poum Tchak! organise sa troisième soirée officielle aux Disquaires. Pour l’occasion, nous recevons une jeune pousse talentueuse défrichée entre Berlin et la frontière Tchèque : Sebastian Lohse aka Break SL ! Continue reading
[En] Interview : Break SL (philpot)
2 is a good number for german newcomer Sebastian Lohse aka Break SL. He’s only 22, and has released 2 12″ on Philpot, which have both received nice reviews and feedbacks. Sebastian is also Dj, and after having cooked a delicious slow deep&groovy house mix for Boing Poum Tchak!, it’s time to know a bit more about him and his debut album planned in 2009. Continue reading
[En] Guest mix : Break SL (philpot) [bptchk! 005]
Even if this word is overused nowadays, I would call my sound “deep”. As dj I like playing slow, I always try to make a journey with the audience, so I play Techno-House from Detroit to Chicago, Disco, Jazz, Dub and Hip-Hop. It always depends on the situation and the audience… But I always try to transfer the soul and the energy of this wonderful music.
Break SL
[En] Playlist Poum Tchak! – June 08
Boing Poum Tchak!‘s favorite tracks. It’s summer time, yeah… Continue reading